

October 10, 2013 by Beth Hess

???????????????????????????????“Mom, What’s your favorite food?” He was in kindergarten and filling out a “Get to Know You” worksheet. As a self-admitted food addict, I found it a profound question, because the truth is my favorite food is “whatever is in front of me.” After a few moments he announced, “I know what your favorite is, Mom. Bread.”


He’s right.

There’s something both filling and fulfilling about eating bread. Knowing the process of rest and rising. Of chemistry at work between living yeast and all the rest that combine through the heat of the fire into perfectly warm chewiness.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray for Daily Bread. Just enough for the moment. The perfect portion of provision. We are not meant to overstuff today for tomorrow’s needs. Eat a big dinner tonight, and you’ll still need dinner tomorrow.

Daily bread. Today enough for today. Remembering yesterday He gave me enough for yesterday. Faith that tomorrow will bring enough for tomorrow.

Even more, faith that God doesn’t deal in day-old bread. The bread delivered today is no mistake. Even if it’s hard and crusty — tough to chew — full of seeds that stick in my teeth.

Through Isaiah, God told his people, “Though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your Teacher will not hide Himself and your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:19-21)

The warm and soft bread is my favorite. But when the Daily Bread comes in another form — even the Bread of Adversity, even then will I eat. And find satisfaction in the deliverer — The Bread of Life himself.

4 thoughts on “Bread

  1. […] is most assuredly coming. That in the birth of Jesus, God came to us in a way He never had before. That he still comes in new and unexpected ways. That the waiting is rewarded, not […]


  2. Anonymous says:

    I accidentally stumbled across this today and it’s exactly what I needed. Re-reading it through the tears.


  3. “Day old bread” is a good way to put it. He is always new and vital and active, isn’t He? Feeding us what is freshest and even most surprising – when we sometimes hold tight onto yesterday’s crumbs. Thank you, Beth for writing with us on BREAD this week. Love what you’ve done here.


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