Daily Bread & Why I Keep on Keeping On (Sugar Sober Series)


October 13, 2014 by Beth Hess

Like airline rows and hotel floors, I’m tempted to skip #13.

After opening a floodgate of emotion yesterday, I’m still staggering from the exhaustion of that kind of energy discharge. (Day 12 was posted kind of late in the day, so if you missed it, please click back HERE. It was a watershed moment in my Sugar Sober journey.)

But I’m determined not to miss any days. I’m stubborn like that.

Even more, I am coming to appreciate the discipline of repeated behavior. The intimacy of returning each today to The Spirit and asking for His words to come through my pen.

Daily Bread.

Which returns me to words I wrote a year ago, but in which I find fresh grace today.

There’s something both filling and fulfilling about eating bread. Knowing the process of rest and rising. Of chemistry at work between living yeast and all the rest that combine through the heat of the fire into perfectly warm chewiness.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray for Daily Bread. Just enough for the moment. The perfect portion of provision. We are not meant to overstuff today for tomorrow’s needs. Eat a big dinner tonight, and you’ll still need dinner tomorrow.

Daily bread. Today enough for today. Remembering yesterday He gave me enough for yesterday. Faith that tomorrow will bring enough for tomorrow.

Even more, faith that God doesn’t deal in day-old bread. The bread delivered today is no mistake. Even if it’s hard and crusty — tough to chew — full of seeds that stick in my teeth.

Through Isaiah, God told his people, “Though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your Teacher will not hide Himself and your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:19-21)

The warm and soft bread is my favorite. But when the Daily Bread comes in another form — even the Bread of Adversity, even then will I eat. And find satisfaction in the deliverer — The Bread of Life himself.


sugarsoberoctoberIn response to the 31 Day blogging challenge, I will be publishing EVERY DAY in October while I stay sugar-free. You can read previous posts HERE. To be alerted to new posts, please follow me on Facebook or Twitter using the links on the right side of this page. Or Subscribe to get posts sent to your Email. Feel free to Tweet your own experiences with #sugarsoberoctober as well.

PLEASE use the comment section to share your own thoughts, questions, or experiences. Like any road, sugar sobriety is one more easily walked with friends. I do my best to reply to every comment.

7 thoughts on “Daily Bread & Why I Keep on Keeping On (Sugar Sober Series)

  1. […] Out. So I start to emerge from my stupor. Staggering, still unsteady, towards recovery. Day 13: The Gift of Daily Bread.: Daily bread. Today enough for today. Remembering yesterday He gave me enough for yesterday. Faith […]


  2. I can’t believe you’re already on Day 13! Great job!!


  3. Sharon says:

    Oh Beth, this was just lovely. God does indeed provide daily bread for THIS day. Just what we need, even if, as you said, it’s bread of adversity and suffering. In it all, He is the *filling up* that we need – the perfect and complete nourishment for our souls.

    I’m gonna call it Messiah Manna!!



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